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Fresenius is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). In 2020, we therefore further explored these sustainability targets and conducted an analysis* of Fresenius' impact on the 17 SDGs. As a globally operating healthcare company, our most significant positive impact is on SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). Our analysis also identified residual risks that we will continue to address in the future as part of our sustainability management.

Our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the roadmap for global sustainable development by 2030. They serve as a compass for the international community to meet the challenges within the remaining decade. To achieve this, public sector, governments and companies must pull together.

As a global healthcare group, Fresenius is committed to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals. At Fresenius, the patient always comes first. For more than 100 years now we have been working to preserve life, promote health, and improve the quality of life of our patients. A clear focus on innovation and efficiency has helped us to make high-quality healthcare accessible to a steadily increasing number of people. Our business activities are thus closely linked to the concerns of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Fresenius operates globally in inpatient and outpatient care. With our products and services, we promote the health and well-being of patients worldwide. Our most important positive contribution thus relates to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). The measures to promote the health of our employees and occupational health in the context of the pandemic also make positive contributions in this regard.

We also positively impact SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). With our employee and social standards, as well as with various further development programs, we invest in a sustainable and healthy future: Our over 190,000 employees have access to a wide range of training and development opportunities. We are also taking steps to raise awareness of health issues among our employees and patients.

Alongside the positive effects of our business activities, our analysis also revealed a potential for improvement. If measures do not sufficiently mitigate adverse effects, residual risks remain. These relate to three SDGs in particular:

  • We are making a positive contribution to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) with the infrastructure we are creating in the healthcare sector. At the same time, we face the challenge of aligning our spending and investments even more consistently with the demands  of environmental and climate protection in the future. 

  • In view of SDG 13 (Climate Action), we need to take a closer look at the physical risks of climate change and the impact on our locations.

  • With regard to SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), we see a future challenge in the increased demands of global tax transparency.

* The analysis was carried out together with Trucost, part of S&P Global . This analysis evaluates the positive impact of Fresenius on the SDGs as well as the risk of negative consequences. The Trucost methodology involves a quantitative analysis of a company's SDG performance - globally and across the entire value chain. It follows a four-step process that surveys companies' risk exposure and impact using 45 metrics based on the 169 targets of the SDGs. The results were validated internally.


Sebastian Schlagwein

Head of Group ESG
T: +49 (0) 6172 608-2637

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