Our Material Sustainability Topics
The materiality analysis identified main non-financial topic clusters and individual topics:
The materiality process
Since 2017, we have been identifying the material topics for the Fresenius Group in a comprehensive materiality analysis in accordance with the HGB. This is carried out every two to three years, depending on possible changes in the corporate structure and operating business performance. In addition, we review the material topics annually to ensure that they are up to date. Material are those aspects that are relevant for understanding Fresenius’ business performance, results of operations, and position, as well as for understanding the effects of its business activities on non-financial aspects.
The set of topics, referred to as the long list of topics, of our latest comprehensive materiality analysis is based on previously identified topics from prior years and on a competitive analysis. We have also taken into account the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the SDGs and other frameworks.
In order to determine the expectations of our external stakeholders (outside-in-analysis), we analyzed regulatory trends and legislative proposals, as well as the activities of our competitors, media coverage and the results of capital market rankings. We validated the results of this desktop analysis by the Investor Relations & Sustainability, Corporate Compliance and Corporate Communications departments. They were also compared with the materiality results of our business segments.
To be able to assess the impact of Fresenius on the non-financial aspects, we conducted a comprehensive SDG analysis. This analysis assesses the risk of negative effects and the positive impact of Fresenius on the SDGs. The results were also validated by the departments and by comparison with the materiality results of the business segments.
In order to draw up the final ranking of topics, we considered, among other things, the relevance of the topics for the business segments as well as future trends in the capital market and in legislation as corrective factors. The overall result was finalized in a closing workshop and presented it to the Group Sustainability Board.
Stakeholders and partnerships
Fresenius is involved in a diverse network of stakeholder groups. We gain valuable insights from this exchange which we use to continuously develop our quality and sustainability management as well as our reporting procedures. In 2019, we reviewed and prioritized our stakeholders: to this end, existing corporate communication channels, the requirements of sustainability ratings and rankings, and frequent inquiries from investors were evaluated.
Our main stakeholders are:

For more information on this topic see the Non-Financial Report.
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